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The aims and purposes of the Wisconsin Underwater Archeological Association since its founding in 1990 is to provide access to information pertaining to underwater archeology statewide and provide training to perform underwater site surveys.

WUAA's semi-annual meetings (spring and fall) are held around the state, and incorporate a training workshop. Past meetings have taken place at the Milwaukee Public Library, Door County Library, UW-Oshkosh Archaeology Lab, State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Lottie Cooper Shipwreck Exhibit in Sheboygan, and the Wisconsin Maritime Museum at Manitowoc. Here, WUAA members participated in workshops in underwater archaeological site mapping, historic ship construction methods, use of archives in conducting historical research, artifact dating and identification, and other topics. Workshop participants have an opportunity to visit various research facilities, get behind the scenes tours of facilities and collections, meet and talk with staff, learn about upcoming training and fieldwork opportunities, and just have fun meeting new people!

Classroom and in-water training sessions in underwater site survey techniques have been offered at several locations around the state. Pearl Lake has run a PADI approved Research Diver course with WUAA assistance and support.

WUAA promotes research and education in underwater archeology in Wisconsin and the surrounding Great Lakes.